“Uspe jima ustvariti osupljivo veliko zvočne raznolikosti in prostora, za razliko od mnogih tovrstnih dvojcev pa delujeta kot popolna celota.” HEAVY BLOG IS HEAVY


Dvojec je ustvaril svoj lastni univerzum, v katerem se vse vrti okoli tega, kar se med njima zgodi v vadbenem prostoru, studiu in na odru. Vidiš, kar slišiš, in kar slišiš, je čista sreča. Igra polomljenega jazza, matematičnih utrinkov, kitarskih eksplozij in prelepega hrupa. Pustolovščina, na kateri se pleše, lomi vratove, vriska in skače, dokler ste se le pripravljeni zaletavati v zid. Zid zvoka, namreč.




“They’re able to pull off a remarkable amount of sonic diversity and space, and unlike many duos of this nature, they feel utterly complete as is.” HEAVY BLOG IS HEAVY


This duo created their own universe where everything centres around what happens between the two of them in a rehearsal space, in a studio and on a stage. What you see is what you hear, and what you hear is pure joy, the interplay of broken jazz, mathematic sparks, guitar explosions and beautiful noise. An adventure to dance, break necks, shout and jump to, as long as you’re prepared to hit a wall. A wall of sound, that is.

