ICEAGE (Danska)

“So bend, ki se noče prenehati premikati in raziskovati svojega zvoka, vsakič pa na plano pride z bolj prefinjenim pristopom do glasbe. Da lahko to dosežejo z integriteto, je vredno slaviti, le da tokrat morda s steklenico rdečega vina namesto poceni piva.” ALLMUSIC


Maja je za Matador izšel četrti album četverice šik opravljenih gospodičev, mladostniških prijateljev, ki smo jih zadnje desetletje opazovali, kako so iz pobesnelih mladcev postali ena pomembnejših kitarskih zasedb tega desetletja. “Beyondless” prinaša zrelejši bend in briljantna besedila. Nebrzdano energijo, ki so jo čez zvočnike zlivali ob prvem srečanju, so prenesli v mogočne skladbe, ki odmevajo Nicka Cavea in Leonarda Cohena, ki se ne bojijo orkestralnih dodatkov in ki jim seveda kraljuje neponovljivi vokal Eliasa Benderja Rønnenfelta. Ta interpretira jezo, žalost, prezir in hrepenenje, kot da so mu stalno na sledi. Iceage so še vedno princi teme, čeprav še nikoli niso tako žareli. Ali kot so zapisali pri reviji The Skinny: “Iceage so še vedno eden najbolj vznemirljivih bendov v glasbi.”



ICEAGE (Denmark)

“They’re a band who refuse to stop moving and exploring their sound, emerging every time with a more refined approach to the music. That they can achieve this with integrity should be celebrated, except maybe this time with a bottle of red wine instead of cheap beer.” ALLMUSIC


In May, Matador Records released the fourth album of these four dapper gentlemen, childhood friends we’ve been watching grow from raging youths into one of the more important guitar bands of the decade. “Beyondless” brings a more mature band and brilliant lyrics. They’ve transferred the unbridled energy they spewed through the speakers when we first met them into mighty songs echoing Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen, unafraid of orchestral flourishes and, of course, ruled over by the irreplaceable vocals of Elias Bender Rønnenfelt, interpreting anger, sadness, contempt and yearning as though they’re constantly on his heels. Iceage are still the princes of darkness, despite never having glowed so bright. Or in the words of The Skinny: “Iceage continue to be one of the most exciting bands in music.”

