LEWSBERG (Nizozemska)

“Lewsberg so eden bolj zanimivih bendov iz mesta, ki trenutno doživlja nekakšen preporod alternativne glasbe. Lewsberg so zagovorniki preudarnega, umetniškega, a radovednega zvoka, ki je rahlo v nasprotju z drznim truščem njihovih mestnih vrstnikov.” LOUDER THAN WAR


Štiričlanska rock zasedba je poimenovana po pisatelju in someščanu Robertu Loesbergu, poznanem po nevarnem romanu Enige Defecten iz leta 1974, ki na žalost ni bil nikoli preveden. To je največji vir navdiha tega benda: kontrakultura in velikomeščanski cinizem šestdesetih ter sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Aprila je zasedba izdala svoj polnopravni prvenec “Lewsberg” z devetimi osnovnimi in repetitivnimi rock skladbami, polnimi trpežne, nonšalantne intenzivnosti. Angleška besedila, podana z močnim rotterdamskim naglasom, nakazujejo nagnjenost k eksistencializmu in črnemu humorju.



LEWSBERG (The Netherlands)

“Lewsberg are one of the more interesting bands to come out of a city currently enjoying something of an alternative musical renaissance. Lewsberg are exponents of a measured, arty-but-inquisitive sound that is slightly at odds with the brazen racket made by the likes of their city peers.” LOUDER THAN WAR


Here’s a four-piece rock group named after writer and fellow Rotterdammer Robert Loesberg, famous for his dangerous novel Enige Defecten from 1974, which has unfortunately never been translated. That is the greatest source of inspiration for the band: the counterculture and big-city cynicism of the 1960s and 1970s. The band released their self-titled debut full-length in April, featuring nine rudimentary and repetitive rock songs, full of a tough, nonchalant intensity. The English lyrics, delivered with a heavy Rotterdam accent, show a tendency towards existentialism and black humour.

