MOHAMA SAZ (Španija)

“Ne pretiravamo, če rečemo, da je ‘More Iran’ eden najbolj izvirnih albumov, kar smo jih kdaj prejeli.” EXPERPENTO MAGAZINE


Glasba madridske četverice je kot sprehod po istanbulskem bazarju. Nešteto arom in okusov krasi njihovo idejo glasbe brez pravil, ki poseduje tuareško hipnotičnost, arabsko barvitost in močan vpliv anatolskega psihedeličnega rocka. Je Orient na srečanju svobodnega jazza. Mohama Saz gradi most med sodobnimi, progresivnimi in starodavnimi zvoki. Z eksotično mešanico klarineta, basa, bobnov in saza pričara misteriozno ter introspektivno avanturo.




“It is no exaggeration to say that ‘More Iran’ is one of the most original records that we have ever received.” EXPERPENTO MAGAZINE


The music of this Madrid-based four-piece is like strolling through a bazaar in Istanbul. Countless aromas and flavours adorn their idea of music without rules, possessing Tuareg-like hypnotism, Arabic colourfulness and the strong influence of Anatolian psychedelic rock. It’s the Orient at a free jazz meet. Mohama Saz build a bridge between contemporary, progressive and ancient sounds. With an exotic blend of clarinet, bass, drums and saz, they conjure up a mysterious and introspective adventure.

