PETER KERNEL (Švica, Kanada)

“… Peter Kernel že spet, nikoli ne more biti preveč Petra Kernela …” THE ORGAN


Švicarsko-kanadski bend prvič v Slovenijo prihaja z novim albumom “The Size Of The Night”. Dvojec, ki se je spoznal na šoli za vizualno komunikacijo, je poleg benda hitro ustanovil tudi svojo založbo On The Camper. Ta je bila večkrat pohvaljena za duhovit način komunikacije in DIY pristop. S svojo vizijo neodvisnega rocka sta prepričala tudi Spencerja Kruga iz zasedbe Wolf Parade, ki ju je povabil na njihovo evropsko turnejo. Tudi sicer sta pogosto na cesti. V svoji karieri je bend namreč naštel že neverjetnih 600 koncertov, zato ne čudi, da je bil leta 2017 nominiran za “Najboljši koncertni bend iz Švice”.



PETER KERNEL (Switzerland, Canada)

“…Peter Kernel yet again, you can never have too much Peter Kernel…” THE ORGAN


The Swiss-Canadian band are coming to Slovenia for the first time with their new album “The Size Of The Night”. The pair met while studying visual communications, quickly establishing not just a band, but their own label On The Camper Records as well. The latter has received much praise for its witty communication style and DIY approach. With their vision of indie rock, Peter Kernel also won over Spencer Krug of Wolf Parade, who invited them on their European tour. They’re often on the road by themselves as well, racking up an incredible 600 concerts throughout their career. It’s no wonder, then, that they were nominated for Best Live Act at the Swiss Live Talents awards.

