SIR CROISSANT (Bosna in Hercegovina)

“Nežno ubiranje strun, eterični spremljevalni vokali in tresoče se čustveni vokali oblikujejo delo, časovno vpeto med ‘Michigan’ Sufjana Stevensa in The Barr Brothers.” INDEPENDENT CLAUSES


Igor Božanič iz Banjaluke je kantavtor brez meja, na pol poti med art popom in sevdahom, v svetu folka in lo-fi balad. Njegovo ime je odgovor na koncertni album avstralske pevke Sie “Lady Croissant”. Nase je opozoril z dvema EP-jema, na oder pa je prvič stopil poleti 2017. Pravi, da je rojen v znamenju idiota, mi pa bi prej rekli, da v znamenju talenta. Intimno vzdušje skladb, ubiranje kitare in njegov čuteč glas so namreč zasvoljivi. Pa komaj 17 jih ima.



SIR CROISSANT (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

“Gently rolling fingerpicking, ethereal backup vocals, and quaveringly emotional vocals form a piece suspended historically between Sufjan Stevens’ ‘Michigan’ and the Barr Brothers.” INDEPENDENT CLAUSES


Igor Božanič from Banjaluka is a singer-songwriter without borders, halfway between art pop and Sevdah music, in a world of folk music and lo-fi ballads. His moniker is a response to Australian singer Sia’s live album “Lady Croissant”. He first drew attention to himself with two EPs, taking to the stage in summer 2017 for the first time. He says he was born in the sign of the idiot, but we’d sooner say in the sign of talent. The intimate atmosphere of the songs, the guitar strumming and his emotive voice are simply addicting. And he’s only 17.

