“Album ‘Radiate’ je tako ambiciozen, kot je čustveno zahteven.” MASK MAGAZINE


Temu glasu se je nemogoče upreti. Jeanne Added ustvarja nalezljiv in čuten pop, včasih nežen, drugič z napovedjo konca sveta. S prvencem “Be Sensational”, izdanim leta 2015, je osvojila francosko občinstvo, prinesel pa ji je tudi Deezerjevo nagrado Adami, ki vsako leto proslavi tri izvajalce nove francoske scene. Sledili so razprodani koncerti in festivalski nastopi. V dveh letih jih je naštela kar 200. Oktobra je končno izdala svoj drugi zelo pričakovani album “Radiate”, o katerem sama pravi: “Želela sem več petja, želela sem slišati svoj glas, kot ga poznam, da se ga lahko sliši v širšem spektru.” Rezultat so retro futuristične zvočne pokrajine, utripajoči beati, prelivajoči žanrski vplivi in čist ter jasen glas. Še vedno se mu je nemogoče upreti.




“‘Radiate’ is an album as aspirational as it is affectively demanding.” MASK MAGAZINE


That voice is irresistible. Jeanne Added makes catchy and sensual pop, at times gentle, at others forecasting the end of the world. Her 2015 debut “Be Sensational” conquered the French audience and won her the Deezer Adami Award, which celebrates three acts of the new French scene each year. Next came sold out concerts and festival shows, numbering as many as 200 over two years. In October, she finally released her second heavily anticipated album “Radiate”, saying: “I wanted more singing, I wanted to hear my voice as I know it, to let it be heard in a wider spectrum.” The results are retro futuristic soundscapes, pulsating beats, swirling genre influences and a clean, clear voice, still as irresistible as ever.

