TURISTI (Srbija)

“Zadnji hit brbotajoče neodvisne beograjske scene lomi klasični rokenrol kalup z ležernimi pop napevi, minimalističnimi elektronskimi okraski in odbito ritmiko.” HRUPMAG


Svež glasbeni projekt predstavlja Boško Mijušković, eden vidnejših predstavnikov mlade srbske generacije, ki ga mnogi poznajo predvsem kot basista neutrudnih Straight Mickey and the Boyz. Od samega začetka je stalni Turist še njegov brat Nikola Džimi, ostali glasbeniki pa v bendu ostajajo “sezonski”. Še ne leto star prvenec “Levo ili desno”, izdan pri neodvisni makedonski založniški hiši Balkan Veliki, je pravi žanrski kolaž in ponuja vrsto eksperimentalnih glasbenih destinacij, od melanholičnih indie hitičev do plesnih rock ritmov in sproščenih jazzovskih zasukov. Turistična past, ki ji vsakič znova z veseljem nasedeš.



TURISTI (Serbia)

“The latest hit on the bubbling Belgrade indie scene breaks the classic rock ‘n’ roll mould with laidback pop tunes, minimalist electronic flourishes and crazy rhythms.” HRUPMAG


This fresh music project features Boško Mijušković, one of the more prominent representatives of the younger Serbian generation, familiar to many as the bassist for the tireless Straight Mickey and the Boyz. Since the beginning, he and his brother Nikola Džimi have been the permanent “Tourists”, with the remaining band musicians “seasonal”. Their debut “Levo ili desno”, released via the independent Macedonian label Balkan Veliki less than a year ago, is a regular collage of genres, offering a number of experimental music destinations, from melancholic indie hits to danceable rock anthems and leisurely jazz twists. A tourist trap you’re happy to fall for over and over again.

