“Pozor: ta punkovska senzacija bo povsem razdejala vašo cono udobja.” 3VOOR12


Ko se prvič srečate z eindhovensko DIY četverico Charlie & The Lesbians, takoj postane jasno, da je to bend, ki ga morate doživeti v živo. In brez skrbi, zapomnili si ga boste! Ali po modricah z neizogibnega mošpita, ki ga poganjajo navita električna kitara, težke bas linije in neustavljivi bobni, ali pa po preznojenem, na pol golem pevcu Charlieju, ki se vam bo drl direktno v obraz. So kot temačna, surova, manična mešanica Sex Pistols, The Stooges in Liars, kjer so člani benda brat, sestra, njena punca in naličen pankerski kitarist. Ampak previdno! Lahko se vam zgodi, da boste zaradi tega benda ljubili sovražiti svoje življenje.



CHARLIE & THE LESBIANS (The Netherlands)

“Beware: the punk sensation will completely destroy your comfort zone.” 3VOOR12


When coming across Eindhoven’s DIY quattro Charlie & The Lesbians, it immediately becomes clear that this is the band you should really go see live. And oh, boy, will you remember it! Either by the bruises from the inevitable moshpit, powered by racing electric guitar, heavy bass lines and unstoppable drum beats, or by sweaty half-naked frontman Charlie screaming right at your face. It’s like a dark, raw, manic mix of Sex Pistols, The Stooges and Liars, where the band members are a brother and a sister, her girlfriend and a classic punk guitarist enjoying some heavy stage makeup. But careful! You might end up loving hating your life because of this band.

